Spider Veins

Spider Veins

Have you ever noticed some bluish, purplish or reddish veins that twist and turn in your skin? Did it prompt you to do anything regarding these appearances? These are called spider veins.

What are Spider Veins?

They are similar to varicose veins but are smaller. Spider veins look like branches of a tree or spider webs, hence the name. They can be found superficially, usually on the face and the legs (thigh part or back part of the knee).Though these may occur in both sexes, women are more predisposed to acquiring and developing spider veins. Chances are, as you grow older, comes a greater probability of having it.

How do Spider Veins Develop?

They are formed when the veins’ valves malfunction, thereby failing to deliver and bring blood back to the heart. This becomes harder especially gravity causes the blood to pool on the legs or any lower part of the body. Too much pressure dilate the blood vessels, plus the fact that the valves of the veins have become incompetent already, cause the formation of spider veins.

Persons susceptible for developing spider veins include those that have older relatives or members of the family who have spider veins too; overweight and obese individuals since excessive weight gain mean extra pressure to be endured by the veins especially in the lower extremities; workers which require long hours of standing (e.g. nurses, sales lady, teachers, factory workers and the like) in their job; and women due to hormonal influences brought about by adolescence, pregnancy, and menopause.

What are the Ways to Treat Spider Veins?

While there are a number of treatment options available to ease and remove spider veins, the most commonly applied today is the non-surgical method called Sclerotherapy. In here, a ‘sclerosant’ or a highly concentrated saline solution is injected through a patient’s vein causing it to swell, stick together and eventually close it. Over a session of once or twice with your vein specialist, spider veins are expected to fade away and generally disappear in a matter of weeks. After the procedure, the patient may resume to his/her activities on the same day.

Another choice of treatment would be through the use of a laser fiber which have the same goal of treatment too as with sclerotherapy- to cause the vein to collapse and finally vanish.

Simple and easy tips to prevent the formation of spider veins include the use of compression stockings and lifestyle changes (maintenance of ideal body weight and walking).

Contact Us

For further inquiries, send us an email billing@raxwalmd.com or call us through 1-800-000-0000