Compression stockings

Compression Stockings

What are compression stockings?

They are also called Pressure stockings/ Compression hose/ support stockings/ gradient stockings.

Compression stockings are specialized elastic undergarment worn to improve blood flow in the lower extremities. This kind gently squeezes the legs to push the blood upward the body. Compression increases at the lowermost part of the legs, thus the ankle part has the tightest fit. It is usually recommended for persons with spider veins and varicose veins.

Rationale of using compression stockings
They are designed to protect the legs from developing, or stop further progression of spider and varicose veins. The main mode of action of these specialized stockings is to apply pressure against the leg, causing an increased venous return of blood to the heart and more effective valve work. Therefore, less blood pools on the legs brought about by the effect of gravity.

What are the benefits of using compression stockings?

  • Improve blood circulation
  • Help to ease the aching and painful feeling in the legs
  • Prevent leg swelling and at times, blood clot formation
  • Economical way of reducing the risks of spider and varicose veins

Indications for use

Persons with spider and varicose veins and those with venous disorders are advised to wear compression stockings all day long. Also, those whose occupation require long hours of standing, these might be of valuable help to ease leg discomfort. Since they vary in pressure (light pressure or strong pressure) and lengths (knee-length to top of the thigh), it is still best to consult your doctor first to know which type is the best for you. Do not stop wearing them without physician’s consent.

Pricing and cost

There are considerations which influence a consumer’s purchasing power in buying stockings. Firstly, it depends on the brand name and secondly on the gradient or compression level one might need. Quality stockings from a good brand usually lasts longer because they are made of high-quality fiber and significantly more comfortable to wear. Generally, a compression stocking which offers stronger pressure costs higher than the low-pressure ones. Price range for strong compression stockings starts as $65 or more.